executive golf tours scotland



在位于伦敦西肯辛顿区(West Kensington)的肯辛顿公园酒店(Kensington Park Hotel)或肯辛顿宫酒店(Kensington Palace Hotel)与我们的地代人员见面会合,从酒店可俯瞰肯辛顿宫(Kensington Palace)。晚餐。


伦敦有很多高尔夫球场和观光旅游线路供选择,游客可以预先与我们的地代人员安排行程。如在Wentworth、Sunningdale或Richmond的锦标赛球场打球,游览白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)、伦敦塔(HM Tower of London)——由投票选出的“年度最受游客欢迎的景点”、 御宝(Crown Jewels)、肯辛顿宫(Kensington Palace )国寓和海德公园(Hyde Park)等。这里也是购物的好去处,有独具风格的商店,如骑士桥区(Knightsbridge)和肯辛顿区(Kensington)商店,世界著名的哈罗兹(Harrods)商店距离酒店仅几分钟路程。

在伦敦购物观光,转入希思罗机场(Heathrow Airport),约一小时行程。


  • 地代人员及当地高尔夫部门的支持
  • 于肯辛顿公园(Kensington Park Hotel)酒店或肯辛顿宫
    (Kensington Palace Hotel)酒店入住两夜,享用双人双床客房,每日供应早餐
  • 一轮标准高尔夫球赛,并保证您的开球时间
  • 不打高尔夫球的游客购物观光
  • 以上各项均含税



Executive Golf Tours – ADS status
Executive Golf Tours has Approved Destination Status - ADS for the China outbound market for golfers and non golfers. These are the criteria that Executive Golf Tours have met in order to be recognized as an approved UK Tourism Supplier in relation to the Approved Destination Status / ADS for China outbound market.

EGT must :

  1. Have been in business for a period of at least 3 years.
  2. Be a bona fide ground handler and tour operator.
  3. Be able to demonstrate compliance with the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992.
  4. Be able to provide and deliver a comprehensive service for liaison with the Chinese tour group leader 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
  5. Provide emergency contact numbers for consultation and emergency assistance for the tour group throughout the entire trip.
  6. Be willing to directly employ or contract Chinese (Mandarin), speaking tour guides for liaison with the Chinese tour group leader. (This is available at extra cost on request).
  7. With effect from 1st of January 2006 commit to using 'quality in tourism assessed accommodation' wherever possible, where accommodation is a travel component.
  8. Have experience of working with Chinese (or Asian) visitor groups of 5 or more.
    Be a member of a professional membership association (UKInbound / ETOA).

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Golden Key Award
Golden Key Award

Call our 24-hour
UK office on
020 8242 1901
(from outside
the UK dial
+44 20 8242 1901).
